Written by Marius Horga & Caroline Begbie
“To Warren Moore, who first made it possible for me to learn Metal, to my wonderful children Robin and Kayla, and to my best friends who patiently waited for me to indulge my dream.”
— Caroline Begbie
“To my wife, Adina, and my son, Victor Nicholas, without whose patience, support and understanding I could not have made it. To Warren Moore who first whet my appetite for Metal, offered his advice when needed and motivated me to get involved with Metal too. To Chris Wood who taught me that most of the times all you need to render is a ray, a camera and a few distance fields. To Simon Gladman whose amazing work with compute kernels inspired me to write more about particles and fluid dynamics. To Jeff Biggus who keeps the GPU programming community in Chicago alive. Our daily conversations motivate me to stay hungry for more. To everyone else who believes in me. A huge Thanks to all of you!”
— Marius Horga