Android Background Processing

Sep 23 2022 · Kotlin 1.6, Android 12, Android Studio Chipmunk 2021.2.1

Part 2: Use WorkManager in Complex Apps

11. Challenge - WorkManager

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Notes: 11. Challenge - WorkManager

The student materials have been reviewed and are updated as of SEPTEMBER 2022.

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Nice job repeating the concepts from the first part of the course, and reaching your first challenge in this part! :] In this challenge, you have to implement a few things! You need to create not one, but two new workers!

class ClearLocalStorageWorker(context: Context, workerParameters: WorkerParameters) :
    Worker(context, workerParameters) {

  override fun doWork(): Result {
    val rootFolder = applicationContext.externalMediaDirs.first()

    rootFolder?.listFiles()?.forEach {
      if (it.isDirectory) {
      } else {

    return Result.success()
class SynchronizeImagesWorker(context: Context, workerParameters: WorkerParameters) :
    Worker(context, workerParameters) {

  override fun doWork(): Result {
    val images = inputData.getStringArray("images") ?: return Result.failure()

    images.forEach { imagePath ->
      val file = File(applicationContext.externalMediaDirs.first(), imagePath)
      FileUtils.downloadImage(file, imagePath)

    return Result.success()
  fun downloadImage(file: File, imageDownloadPath: String) {
    val imageUrl = URL("$BASE_URL/files/$imageDownloadPath")

    val connection = imageUrl.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
    connection.doInput = true

    val inputStream = connection.inputStream

    val outputStream = FileOutputStream(file)
    outputStream.use { output ->
      val buffer = ByteArray(4 * 1024)

      var byteCount =
      while (byteCount > 0) {
        output.write(buffer, 0, byteCount)

        byteCount =

val imagePath = parts.last()
val file = File(applicationContext.externalMediaDirs.first(), imagePath)

FileUtils.downloadImage(file, imagePath)
  private val remoteApi = App.remoteApi
  private val networkStatusChecker by lazy {
    syncImages.setOnClickListener {
      networkStatusChecker.performIfConnectedToInternet {
        GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
          val result = remoteApi.getImages()

          if (result is Success) {
            val images = { it.imagePath }
  private fun synchronizeImages(images: List<String>) {
    val clearStorageWorker = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<ClearLocalStorageWorker>()

    val synchronizeImagesWorker = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<SynchronizeImagesWorker>()
        .setInputData(workDataOf("images" to images.toTypedArray()))

    val workManager = WorkManager.getInstance(requireActivity())


    workManager.getWorkInfoByIdLiveData(, Observer {
      if (it.state.isFinished) {
        activity?.toast("Synchronized images!")