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SwiftUI Cookbook

Live Edition · iOS 16.4 · Swift 5.8.1 · Xcode 14.3.1

Implementing Pinch to Zoom in SwiftUI
Written by Team Kodeco

When creating user interfaces, it’s important to provide ways for users to interact with your app beyond just tapping. One way to do this is through zooming in and out on your views. In SwiftUI, you can easily add zooming functionality to your app using gestures.

To create zooming gestures in SwiftUI, you can use the MagnificationGesture modifier. This modifier takes in a closure that is called with a MagnificationGesture.Value when the user performs the gesture.

Here’s an example of how to use MagnificationGesture to zoom a view:

struct ContentView: View {
  @State private var scale: CGFloat = 1.0
  var body: some View {
    Image(systemName: "")
          .onChanged { value in
            self.scale = value.magnitude

Your preview should look like this:

Use MagnificationGesture to implement pinch-to-zoom.
Use MagnificationGesture to implement pinch-to-zoom.

Note: To test this example in the simulator, move the cursor onto the star, then press Option to display touch points. Learn more about interacting with the simulator in the Apple documentation here.

In this example, you create a view that displays an image of a star. You use the scaleEffect modifier to adjust the view’s scale based on the value of the scale state variable.

You then add a gesture modifier with a MagnificationGesture instance. You set the onChanged closure to update the scale variable with the magnitude of the gesture. The magnitude is a CGFloat that represents the scale factor of the gesture, with 1.0 being the default, unzoomed size.

After adding the gesture, the user will be able to zoom in and out on the image by performing the pinch gesture. The onChanged closure updates the scale variable as the user zooms, causing the image’s scale to change in real time.

That’s all it takes to add zooming functionality to your views with gestures in SwiftUI! With these simple steps, you can create a more interactive and engaging user experience in your app.

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