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Functional Programming in Kotlin by Tutorials

First Edition · Android 12 · Kotlin 1.6 · IntelliJ IDEA 2022

Section I: Functional Programming Fundamentals

Section 1: 8 chapters
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Section 4: 13 chapters
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D. Appendix D: Chapter 4 Exercise & Challenge Solutions
Written by Massimo Carli

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Exercise 4.1

Can you write a lambda expression that calculates the distance between two points given their coordinates, x1, y1 and x2, y2? The formula for the distance between two points is distance = √(x2−x1)²+(y2−y1)².

Exercise 4.1 solution

You can approach this problem in different ways. Assuming you pass all the coordinates as distinct parameters, you can write the following code:

val distanceLambda = { x1: Double, y1: Double, x2: Double, y2: Double -> // 1
  val sqr1 = (x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) // 2
  val sqr2 = (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1) // 2
  Math.sqrt(sqr1 + sqr2) // 3
typealias Point = Pair<Double, Double>

val distanceLambdaWithPairs = { p1: Point, p2: Point ->
  val sqr1 = Math.pow(p1.first - p2.first, 2.0)
  val sqr2 = Math.pow(p1.second - p2.second, 2.0)
  Math.sqrt(sqr1 + sqr2)
fun main() {
  println(distanceLambda(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0))
  println(distanceLambdaWithPairs(0.0 to 0.0, 1.0 to 1.0))

Exercise 4.2

What’s the type for the lambda expression you wrote in Exercise 4.1?

Exercise 4.2 solution

The type of distanceLambda is:

val distanceLambda: (Double, Double, Double, Double) -> Double
val distanceLambdaWithPairs: (Point, Point) -> Double
val distanceLambdaWithPairs: (Pair<Double, Double>, Pair<Double, Double>) -> Double

Exercise 4.3

What are the types of the following lambda expressions?

val emptyLambda = {} // 1
val helloWorldLambda = { "Hello World!" } // 2
val helloLambda = { name: String -> "Hello $name!" } // 3
val nothingLambda = { TODO("Do exercise 4.3!") } // 4
 typealias AbsurdType = (Nothing) -> Nothing

Exercise 4.3 solution

You start by looking at:

val emptyLambda = {}
val emptyLambda: () -> Unit
val helloWorldLambda = { "Hello World!" }
val helloWorldLambda: () -> String
val helloLambda = { name: String -> "Hello $name!" }
val helloLambda: (String) -> String
val nothingLambda = { TODO("Do exercise 4.3!") }
val nothingLambda: () -> Nothing

Nothing and lambda

Given the type:

typealias AbsurdType = (Nothing) -> Nothing
val absurd: AbsurdType = { nothing -> throw Exception("This is Absurd") }
fun main() {
fun main() {
  absurd(throw Exception("Invoked?"))

Exercise 4.4

Can you implement a function simulating the short-circuit and operator with the following signature without using &&? In other words, can you replicate the short-circuiting behavior of left && right:

  fun shortCircuitAnd(left: () -> Boolean, right: () -> Boolean): Boolean

Exercise 4.4 solution

In Kotlin, if is an expression, so you can implement shortCircuitAnd like this:

fun shortCircuitAnd(
  left: () -> Boolean,
  right: () -> Boolean
): Boolean = if (left()) {
} else {
fun main() {
  val inputValue = 2
    left = { println("LeftEvaluated!"); inputValue > 3 },
    right = { println("RightEvaluated!"); inputValue < 10 },

Exercise 4.5

Can you implement the function myLazy with the following signature, which allows you to pass in a lambda expression and execute it just once?

fun <A: Any> myLazy(fn: () -> A): () -> A // ???

Exercise 4.5 solution

myLazy accepts a lambda expression of type () -> A as an input parameter. It’s also important to note that A has a constraint, which makes it non-null. This makes the exercise a little bit easier, because you can write something like:

fun <A : Any> myLazy(fn: () -> A): () -> A {
  var result: A? = null // 1
  return { // 2
    if (result == null) { // 3
      result = fn() // 4
    result!! // 5
fun main() {
  val myLazy = myLazy { println("I'm very lazy!"); 10 }
  3.times {
I'm very lazy!

Exercise 4.6

Create a function fibo returning the values of a Fibonacci sequence. Remember, every value in a Fibonacci sequence is the sum of the previous two elements. The first two elements are 0 and 1. The first values are, then:

0  1  1  2  3  5  8  13  21 ...

Exercise 4.6 solution

The following is a possible implementation for the Fibonacci sequence using lambda evaluation:

fun fibo(): () -> Int {
  var first = 0
  var second = 1
  var count = 0
  return {
    val next = when (count) {
      0 -> 0
      1 -> 1
      else -> {
        val ret = first + second
        first = second
        second = ret
fun main() {
  val fiboSeq = fibo()
  10.times {
    print("${fiboSeq()}  ")
0  1  1  2  3  5  8  13  21  34  

Challenge 4.1

In Exercise 4.5, you created myLazy, which allowed you to implement memoization for a generic lambda expression of type ()-> A. Can you now create myNullableLazy supporting optional types with the following signature?

fun <A> myNullableLazy(fn: () -> A?): () -> A? // ...

Challenge 4.1 solution

To remove the constraint, you just need to use an additional variable, like this:

fun <A> myNullableLazy(fn: () -> A?): () -> A? {
  var evaluated = false // HERE
  var result: A? = null
  return { ->
    if (!evaluated) {
      evaluated = true
      result = fn()
fun main() {
  val myNullableLazy: () -> Int? =
    myNullableLazy { println("I'm nullable lazy!"); null }
  3.times {
I'm nullable lazy!

Challenge 4.2

You might be aware of Euler’s number e. It’s a mathematical constant of huge importance that you can calculate in very different ways. It’s an irrational number like pi that can’t be represented in the form n/m. Here you’re not required to know what it is, but you can use the following formula:

Figure 4.2: Euler's formula
Vuwuke 8.9: Aajil'n voygufe

Challenge 4.2 solution

A possible implementation of the Euler formula is:

fun e(): () -> Double {
  var currentSum = 1.0 // 1
  var n = 1

  tailrec fun factorial(n: Int, tmp: Int): Int = // 2
    if (n == 1) tmp else factorial(n - 1, n * tmp)

  return {
    currentSum += 1.0 / factorial(n++, 1).toDouble() // 3
fun main() {
  val e = e()
  10.times {
fun factSeq(): () -> Int {
  var partial = 1
  var n = 1
  return {
    partial *= n++
fun fastE(): () -> Double {
  var currentSum = 1.0
  val fact = factSeq()
  return {
    currentSum += 1.0 / fact().toDouble()
fun main() {
  val e = fastE() // HERE
  10.times {
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