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Android App Distribution

First Edition · Android 12 · Kotlin 1.5 · Android Studio Bumblebee

About the Authors

Evana Margain Puig is one of the authors of this book. She’s an expert in mobile development and architecture in native Android and iOS. She has helped build apps for many companies and devices. She likes the integration of her job with iOT, which has made her develop apps for smart devices like TVs, cars and appliances. She’s also into video games and has made great friends across the world through this hobby. She is @evanamp on Twitter and you can find her personal website at

Fuad Kamal is one of the authors of this book. He provides mobile strategy, architecture and development for the Health, Fitness and Telematics markets. If you’ve ever been to an airport, you’ve likely seen his work — the flight arrival and departure screens are a Flash 7 interface he wrote towards the beginning of the millennium. He’s also into photography. He can be contacted through He’s @FlexRonin on Twitter and Instagram.

About the Editors

Lance Gleason is the final pass editor of this book. Over the years, he has worked in everything from server side development, IoT and wearables to mobile development. He has been an Android fan ever since he pre-ordered the G1 in 2008. After a few years of being an Android fan, he finally took the plunge into Android development when he became a Google Glass Explorer in 2013. He’s had a chance to work on projects for organizations ranging from small startups to large companies with millions of users. When he isn’t writing code, you can find him traveling to interesting places, wine tasting, scuba diving or exploring a new hobby or interest. You can find him on Twitter at @lgleasain.

Eric Crawford is a tech editor of this book. He’s a Senior Software Developer at John Deere, where he bounces between iOS and Android development. Before coming to Deere, he did freelance mobile development and server-side web development utilizing Java. In his free time, he likes to dabble into other platforms like IOT and cloud computing

Subhrajyoti Sen is a tech editor of this book. He’s a Google Developer Expert for Android and an Android Engineer at KeepTruckin, where he develops apps to improve the trucking industry. Before this, he also worked on apps to improve the experience of Indian investors. He believes in the power of Open Source and communities and actively tries to give back. When not writing code, you can find him binge-watching anime, reading up on public policy or playing Rocket League.

April Rames is the editor for this book. She is a former high school English and theatre teacher and director. When not volunteering at her daughters’ schools, she usually spends her time being asked to pretend to be a unicorn, zombie princess or super hero. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, making pasta and exploring the Gulf Coast with her family.

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