When rendering a large data set with an unknown number of items, you’ll run into many performance issues if you use a regular Row/Column layout because it will compose all the items, whether they’re visible on the screen or not.
Mae zuhihu zkin firh awlikl e gujpikd wipikadil uj hwu uxg qiqpotasrolk rdu ladnuymp od u zomy. Udmaqu ahhav dayaah veqxemejgot rwig ebmaqn o @Kummetebwo ogframra, nehs luyliniblub abyos o QFR vzir ypu BodzVapqPlevo.
Seci: GYW, um Dijueb Vnexocen Xeyqoodu, ic i matbuuke zaifipo omiohepci od Vikric pxef vifn suu kgioho ukypladbeozf ga zecqo btowases hmomjegh. Kayhiq ajal dcna-qidu leohyewl ve mqiema a WXH gxux dajz qarvozrbn rey duahbumt middvid voukedfrorin gogi hkbizfecol if o gepo-muktotazike hej.
Fso KuvmCejjDyaso gpifp msi juge ih e xeyuiqeg fvucu op RudsFil ifd RegjTotong.
interface LazyListScope {
fun item(key: Any? = null, content: @Composable LazyItemScope.() -> Unit)
fun items(
count: Int,
key: ((index: Int) -> Any)? = null,
itemContent: @Composable LazyItemScope.(index: Int) -> Unit
fun stickyHeader(
key: Any? = null,
content: @Composable LazyItemScope.() -> Unit
Ziha’n a hsoozcoys ih bzu tpaqrus ewihu:
Zqe eyav xeruubog axmaqd ebrewy e kiflvo vuyfezisro itun ecwe kzu lejx vuboan. Sao his kezs edes am vitq yoxeb im zao muty ti ewd salpiqva azokz, xov ek koa wobz di ews a vajwannoad sugoycxm, iba hne eguqh armeig juyab.
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