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Modern apps must stand out from the crowd and establish a brand identity. On Android, you would use the Material Design guidelines to create a custom theme for your app.

The theme would incorporate the brand palette, details about the typographic scale used in your app, and specifications for the different shapes the design system uses.

When working with views, you would define a theme in your styles.xml file by extending a Material theme and applying it to all styles extending from it. Ensuring that all UI components adhere to the style would be another level of work, as you would need to apply the style to every widget and every screen, often leaving room for errors.

Jetpack Compose makes this extremely easy in comparison and supports Material Design 3, the latest iteration of Material Design.

In this lesson, you’ll learn about Material Design & theming with Material Design in Jetpack Compose. You’ll cover:

  • The components of Material Theming.
  • Creating a custom Material Theme for your Compose app.
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