Concurrency with Kotlin Flow

Jun 5 2024 · Kotlin 1.9.20, Android 14, Android Studio Iguana

Lesson 04: Advanced Flow Management

Hot Streams Demo

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In this demo, you’ll see an example of a hot flow. Start Android Studio and open the 04-advanced-flow-management/Starter folder. As mentioned in previous lessons, make sure to use the starter project and not the project you had from the previous lessons, because we have added some helper functions.

fun moviesByCategories(): Flow<Map<String, List<Movie>>> = movieDatabase.getMoviesByCategoryFlow()

suspend fun updateMoviesByCategories(category: String) {
  val moviesForCategory = moviesByCategoryDummyData[category]
  val shuffledMovies = moviesForCategory!!.shuffled()
  movieDatabase.updateMoviesByCategory(category = category, movies = shuffledMovies)
private fun fetchMoviesByCategories() {
  viewModelScope.launch {
    movieRepository.moviesByCategories() // HERE
      .transform { moviesByCategories -> 
      .collect {
fun refreshCategory(category: String) {
  viewModelScope.launch {
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