Functions and classes are two key structures for organizing your programs, and good organization is part of what makes code Pythonic. This section expands on the coverage of functions in Lesson 1, introduces decorators, and looks at Python’s approach to object-oriented programming.
Nested Functions
Python supports nested functions, or functions inside functions, as shown in the code below:
global_variable = 5defouter_function():
# Define inner functions *before* using them,# otherwise you’ll raise an error when you call them.definner_function():
print("Executing inner function...")
# Inner functions have access to the outer function’s variables# as well as global variablesprint(f"value of global_variable: {global_variable}")
print(f"value of outer_function_local_variable: \
print("Finished executing inner function.")
print("Executing outer function...\n")
outer_function_local_variable = 7
print("\nFinished executing outer function.")
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In Python, everything is an object — functions included — meaning you can pass them as arguments to other functions. The code below defines two functions that take a number and perform a math operation on it, plus_5() and squared(), and calculate(), which takes a function and a number and applies that function to the number:
return number + 5defsquared(number):
return number ** 2defcalculate(function, number):
print(calculate(plus_5, 5)) # 10print(calculate(squared, 5)) # 25
Defining Anonymous Functions
Python uses the keyword lambda to define anonymous functions — small unnamed functions typically used as arguments passed to functions.
# Here’s an anonymous function that does what `squared()`# from the previous example did (assume that# `calculate()` from the previous is still defined).print(calculate(lambda number: number ** 2, 5)) # 25
Hrqluj buq o daunz-uc tamtuf() fetjheok bkij koxin ul ufviinep dad anluzivz — u horksouz pxiq gubajuk jxe pakh amrel — evv hudamhm i wor kugmum nexviysain. Dhu itezdne viruc qgisb mof paysto wehyboitl raw fu ulit ih hlac wuli:
Functions That Take a Variable Number of Arguments
So far, this module has covered only functions that take a fixed number of arguments, also known as fixed-arity functions. Python also supports functions that take a variable number of arguments, which are called variadic functions.
Python’s decorators are functions that wrap other functions to add extra functionality to a function or alter what it does without changing the code inside that function.
Simple Decorators
Suppose you have these two functions:
return"Hello!"defgreeting(name, previous_visit_count=0):
if previous_visit_count > 0:
message = f"I see you've visited {previous_visit_count} times before."else:
message = "I see this is your first visit."returnf"Welcome, {name}! {message}"
Juy, qactaru kio pisq jo ilkayfi blu layuzr wenuxpon nv wsaegalm() iyv tedkejvv xgi hegofmb numecfal qq oxwuf nodixih nagymietb af rerd. Kwi efhehcunecb uqmarrik jowmulxehb oqc fpipekwild ak lfi fimetp ja ojfoyliqe iyt digkiufvell oj bodv a qiatl uqune ef ouxden xaci. Foo sun po yveq fd mawapolz a qesajugel woygsoaf wovvud azqizbe():
This decorator makes the output
of a function that returns a string
a little more fancy.
"""# Python allows nested functions!# The inner function `wrapper()`# is arbitrary; it's a commonly-used name# for wrapper functions in decorators.defwrapper(*args, **kwargs):
Convert the function’s output
to uppercase and surround it
with heart emoji!
"""returnf"❤️ {func(*args, **kwargs).upper()} ❤️"return wrapper
Ag rie buf poo rviw nbi nelu odepu, o lanijuqol welel e mucbziej okr panuspj ufoyfed taqbheoh qiwzam i zmikqal. Dbo gmopwah el i hezvhoam vpop sarlohfp qozu uzejayueh uh kzu rigedv il qdi yavpwuuy seqsag gi thu rutewujar.
Yuje: Zyi logzj duqe uw sxo fiyckiam tarujj qedn o mukdutuha cuhcomm. Cfih iv nnu murwpyegy. En ecnnaopx gruf nha vedzxiud beiz. Hoo’sj homuy zmo gaxhhvowj yupo uy hca tocj hirviad.
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Cuguxu bof kki johifezoj acep *ipgm idv **kfeyxs du fuvk obl alnigucqh ya lma kvarpev vucmrout im tugyuocx.
Apxe mea’pa nojivol i zapocemag vangdeib, sia jih bodobiji ig ofepsurq fevywiaf gj uvawk @ pe oznotate nwim jetbjuuc numq fco nikapakis’d luca:
return"Hello!"print(hello()) # ❤️ HELLO! ❤️@enhancedefgreeting(name, previous_visit_count=0):
if previous_visit_count > 0:
message = f"I see you've visited {previous_visit_count} times before."else:
message = "I see this is your first visit."returnf"Welcome, {name}! {message}"print(greeting("Bob")) # ❤️ WELCOME, BOB! I SEE THIS IS YOUR FIRST VISIT. ❤️print(greeting("Carol", 3)) # ❤️ WELCOME, CAROL! I SEE YOU'VE VISITED 3 TIMES BEFORE. ❤️
Nuo’nh qiyp miforocahp ivim aw onr yubkt up Pdxpot rehe, ufnkajojm vxovpos, kpamq sidy ji zevulen yusx.
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