Android Networking: Fundamentals

Sep 6 2022 · Kotlin 1.6, Android 12, Android Studio Chipmunk | 2021.2.1 Patch 1

Part 1: Learn About HTTP & Threading

07. Parse JSON Data

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Notes: 07. Parse JSON Data

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After practicting parsing the data manually, it’s time to see how you can do it automatically, using a library called GSON.

implementation ''
private val networkStatusChecker by lazy {
networkStatusChecker.performIfConnectedToInternet {
  activity?.runOnUiThread {
private val gson = Gson()
Thread(Runnable {
  val connection = URL("$BASE_URL/api/note").openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
  connection.requestMethod = "GET"
  connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json")
  connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json")
  connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", App.getToken())
  connection.readTimeout = 10000
  connection.connectTimeout = 10000
  connection.doInput = true

Thread(Runnable {
  val connection = URL("$BASE_URL/api/note").openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
  connection.requestMethod = "GET"
  connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json")
  connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json")
  connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", App.getToken())
  connection.readTimeout = 10000
  connection.connectTimeout = 10000
  connection.doInput = true

  try {
    val reader = InputStreamReader(connection.inputStream)

    reader.use { input ->
      val response = StringBuilder()
      val bufferedReader = BufferedReader(input)

      bufferedReader.useLines { lines ->
        lines.forEach {
  } catch (error: Throwable) {


Thread(Runnable {
  val connection = URL("$BASE_URL/api/note").openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
  connection.requestMethod = "GET"
  connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json")
  connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json")
  connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", App.getToken())
  connection.readTimeout = 10000
  connection.connectTimeout = 10000
  connection.doInput = true

  try {
    val reader = InputStreamReader(connection.inputStream)

    reader.use { input ->
      val response = StringBuilder()
      val bufferedReader = BufferedReader(input)

      bufferedReader.useLines { lines ->
        lines.forEach {

      val tasksResponse = gson.fromJson(response.toString(),
      onTasksReceived(tasksResponse.notes, null)
  } catch (error: Throwable) {
    onTasksReceived(emptyList(), error)

val request = gson.toJson(addTaskRequest)
val body = gson.toJson(userDataRequest) // login & register

val task = gson.fromJson(response.toString(),