Lifecycle-Aware Components in Android

Nov 1 2022 · Kotlin 1.6, Android 12, Android Studio Chipmunk 2021.2.1

Part 1: Lifecycle-Aware Components in Android

12. Test a Lifecycle-Aware Component

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Congratulations, for reaching so far in this course. At the moment, I am sure - you know a lot about lifecycle-aware components.

  private val lifecycleOwner = mockk<LifecycleOwner>(relaxed = true)
  private val networkMonitor = mockk<NetworkMonitor>(relaxed = true)
  private lateinit var lifecycleRegistry: LifecycleRegistry
    lifecycleRegistry = LifecycleRegistry(lifecycleOwner)
  fun setup() {
    lifecycleRegistry = LifecycleRegistry(lifecycleOwner)
  fun `When dispatching ON_CREATE lifecycle event, call onCreate()`() {

    verify {
  fun `When dispatching ON_CREATE lifecycle event, call onCreate()`() {
    // 1. Notify observers and set the lifecycle state.

    // 2. Verify the execution of the correct method.
    verify {
  fun `When dispatching ON_START lifecycle event, call onStart()`() {
    // 1. Notify observers and set the lifecycle state.

    verify {
  fun `When dispatching ON_STOP lifecycle event, call onStop()`() {
    // 1. Notify observers and set the lifecycle state.

    // 2. Verify the execution of the correct method.
    verify {