Advanced Charles Proxy Tutorial for iOS

Get more out of Charles Proxy by learning advanced features like mapping responses to local files, automating requests and writing logs. By Emad Ghorbaninia.

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Manipulating Data

Charles offers a variety of tools for working with request and response data, including:

  • Map Local
  • Map Remote
  • Rewrite
  • Mirror
  • Auto Save
  • Repeat
  • Advanced Repeat
Note: You can see all the tools in the Charles documentation.

Mapping Requests to Local and Remote Responses

In Charles, mapping lets you change a request so its response is transparently served from the new location as if it were the original response. In fact, the data actually arrives from other places, like another host or even a local file.

This means you can mock your responses and manipulate the data however you like, then see how your app handles the changes. For example, how would your app behave if a variable’s type changed from Int to String? What if a value is unexpectedly nil? You can test those issues easily.

The Map Local tool maps a single request to get the response from your local machine instead of the usual endpoint. Next, you’ll try it out in StarCharles.

Inside the downloaded project materials, you’ll find a resources folder that contains films.json. Use the following steps to map to films.json:

StarCharles Star Wars data sample app Films page

configuring local mapping to get response data from a file

iPhone simulator screen shows local data

  • In the StarCharles app on the simulator, tap Films.
  • In Charles, right-click and select Map Local.
  • Click Choose. Select the destination of films.json from the downloaded materials. Click OK.
  • Open the simulator. Navigate back from the current screen. Tap Films.

You just mapped a single request to get your customized local response. In the result, you have the same data model but with different values.

From this point, you can manipulate films.json to contain whatever values you want. Be careful with the data model, however, to avoid introducing errors into the app.

Map Remote Tool

As avid fans of SWAPI already know, no one maintains the original Fortunately, however, copies of SWAPI live on elsewhere in the galaxy. In this section, you will use the Map Remote tool to map between the copy StarCharles uses,, and a different copy,

Use the following steps to map the request to get its response from instead:

StarCharles Star Wars data sample app Characters page

configure remote mapping to get response from a different host

sample app Characters Page showing response data from remote mapped host, with no images

  • Tap Characters in StarCharles to generate
  • Right-click the request in Charles and select Map Remote. Leave the Map From section as is, then fill in the lower Map To section like this:
    • Choose https as the Protocol.
    • Fill in as the Host.
    • Enter 443 in the Port.
    • Enter /api/people/ as the Path.
    • Click OK to save the mapping.
  • Head back to the simulator, tap StarCharles to go back to the top level of the app, then tap Characters. Oh no! How will we ever know what Luke looks like?
  • Choose https as the Protocol.
  • Fill in as the Host.
  • Enter 443 in the Port.
  • Enter /api/people/ as the Path.
  • Click OK to save the mapping.

As you can see in Charles, the request now goes to a new host. Because the new host uses a slightly different data model, the response now only contains character names.

Remote mapped response data in different format

View All Mappings

To see a list of mapped requests, follow these steps:

set up mapping from Charles tools menu

view and change mapping to files on your disk with Map Local Settings

view and change mapping to other servers with Map Remote Settings

  • Open the Tools menu.
  • Click Map Local to see the requests mapped to locations on your computer.
  • Or, click Map Remote to see requests mapped to different hosts.

You can double-click any mapping to edit it or use the buttons shown to add new mappings, reorder the list of mappings, import mappings from elsewhere or export your current mappings.

Note: Mapping settings affect the data that StarCharles displays. If you don’t see the results you expect in a later section, check whether you need to enable or disable local or remote mapping.

Using Breakpoints

Trying to fix a back-end issue? By using breakpoints and manipulating the data on the air, you can simulate any states that might come from your back-end server.

In this section, you’ll try this out by adding a breakpoint on and its corresponding responses. Before you start, turn off the remote mapping you set up in the previous section by going to ToolsMap Remote and unchecking Enable Map Remote. Leave the local mapping in place; you’ll use it here.

Follow these steps to add a breakpoint on the request and its corresponding responses.

  • Open Films in StarCharles.
  • Tap LOCAL A New Hope.
  • Right-click the request in Charles and select Breakpoints.
  • Return to the simulator and open LOCAL A New Hope again.
  • Now, you can change the request’s field with any input before it arrives in the back end.
  • Click Execute. The first time is for sending the request.
  • Click Execute. The second time for the request response.

animation of setting a breakpoint by right-clicking request and choosing Breakpoint

When you do this, you put a breakpoint on a specific API call. Then, you can catch that call before making that request to the actual server and you can manipulate the sent request. You can also change the exact response that came from the back end before it arrives at the client — in this case, StarCharles.

Note: If you miss the response, your request most likely failed because of the timeout. Try making the changes faster.

To stop catching the requests with breakpoints, go to ProxyDisable Breakpoints.

Disable breakpoints from the Proxy menu

To see the list of all the requests with a breakpoint, open ProxyBreakpoint Settings.

Breakpoint Settings in the Proxy menu

Filtering Requests with Allow and Block Lists

Earlier in this tutorial, you learned how to focus on a specific host. Now, you’ll learn how to make a list to allow or block requests. This comes in handy if you want to simulate a server error or a connection lost situation.

Follow these steps to add to the block list:

  • Open Films in StarCharles.
  • Tap LOCAL A New Hope.
  • Right-click in Charles and select Block List.
  • Return to the simulator and open LOCAL A New Hope again.

right-click request to add to Block List

By doing this, you put that request on the block list. Charles will fail it all the time and you’ll see the following error in the Xcode console:

Fetch character completed: failure(StarCharles.NetworkError.jsonDecodingError(error: Foundation.URLError(_nsError: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1 "(null)")))

You can disable the block by right-clicking on this request again in Charles, then unchecking Block List in the drop-down menu.

Note: By adding any request to the allow list, you create a white list. Charles will now block all requests except those on the allow list.

You can see the list of all the requests you added to either an allow or block list by selecting ToolsAllow List or ToolsBlock List. You can also modify that list here.

View or change Block or Allow List Settings from Tools menu