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iOS Test-Driven Development by Tutorials

Second Edition · iOS 15 · Swift 5.5 · Xcode 13

About the Authors

Joshua Greene is an author of this book. He’s an experienced software engineer and long-time member of the team. He’s created dozens of mobile apps, several books and hundreds of videos and tutorials about software development. When he’s not slinging code, you can find him wandering the streets of Tokyo. You can reach him on Twitter @jrg_developer.

Michael Katz is a champion baker. ;] Oh, he’s also an author of this book, developer, architect, speaker, writer and avid homebrewer. He has contributed to several books on iOS development and is a long-time member of the tutorial team. He shares his home state of New York with his family, the world’s best bagels and the Yankees. When he’s not at his computer, he’s out on the trails, in his shop or reading a good book (like this one!).

About the Editors

Darren Ferguson is the final pass editor for this book. He is an experienced software developer and works for M.C. Dean, Inc, a systems integration provider from North Virginia. When he’s not coding, you’ll find him enjoying EPL Football, traveling as much as possible and spending time with his wife and daughter.

April Rames is the editor of this book. April is a former high school English and theatre teacher and director. When not volunteering at her daughters’ schools, she usually spends her time being asked to pretend to be a unicorn, zombie princess or super hero. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, making pasta and exploring the Gulf Coast with her family.

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