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iOS App Distribution & Best Practices

First Edition · iOS 14.4 · Swift 5.3 · Xcode 12.4

Section I: iOS App Distribution & Best Practices

Section 1: 17 chapters
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Section II: Appendices

Section 2: 2 chapters
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17. Conclusion
Written by Pietro Rea & Keegan Rush

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In this book, you learned how the App Store is a game-changer in the field of software distribution and how you can be a part of the excitement. You went over the simple process of submitting your first app for review, and deep dived into the intricacies of code signing. You prepared yourself to tackle any challenges you might face when releasing an app.

However, the journey doesn’t end once you’ve submitted your app. The book also touches on managing your app after a release. You gained a deeper understanding of how Xcode builds your app. You learned about targets, schemes and build settings, and how you can configure them to create the ideal release pipeline.

We hope that you enjoyed your journey to App Store mastery and that you feel more comfortable with the release process. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please stop by our forums at

Thank you again for purchasing this book. Your continued support is what makes the tutorials, books, videos, conferences and other things we do at possible, and we truly appreciate it!

– Keegan, Pietro, Jayven, Jordan, Manda, Sandra and Soheil.

The iOS App Distribution & Best Practices team

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