C# Collections, Lambdas, and LINQ

Looking to have objects contain other objects? Looking to call code on demand? Want to query your collections like you would query a database? This course will cover all that, and build on what you learned in Beginning C# and Intermediate C#. By Brian Moakley.

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Part 1: Collections and Generics

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Welcome to the course! Here you'll find an overview of what you'll learn, and the importance of collections.

Lists 5:53
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Lists are like arrays, but without the hassle of having to resize them. Let's get started with using them.

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One of the coolest features of C# is how you can initialize an object or collection at the time you create it. Learn how to do that here.

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Challenge time! Here, your mission is to create your first list to store names. Try it out!

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In this episode, you'll learn the basics of working with dictionaries to store your objects based your own keys.

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Challenge time! This time, your challenge is to define your very own dictionary. Give it a shot!

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Need more collection types? This episode provides an overview of all the other collection types at your disposal.

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Here, you'll see how coding against an interface makes your code resilient to change (always a good thing).

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No, this isn't about ketchup brands! Learn about what it means to be generic and how to create generic classes

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On to generic methods: in this episode, you will find out how to make only your methods generic. Let's get started!

Conclusion 2:07
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You're done with Part 1! This episode concludes the overview of collections and gives a hint at what comes next in Part 2.

Part 2: Delegates, Events, and Lambdas

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Part 2 of this course covers constructs that enable you to call code on demand and react when events occurs.

Delegates 9:21
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This episode introduces delegates, which are powerful tools that can notify several objects at once. Let's get started.

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Challenge time! Your first challenge in Part 2 is to create your own delegate. Have fun!

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Introducing anonymous delegates: this episode shows you how to create a delegate without defining an object.

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Here, you'll learn about two different types that make it easy to define your own anonymous delegate types.

Events 5:41
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Events work with delegates to call code at defined points in your code. Learn how to use them in this episode.

Lambda 6:14
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Not just for fraternities and sororities: Learn how to use lambdas to make your code clean and concise.

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Challenge Time! In the last challenge of Part 2, you'll write your very own lambda. Try it out!

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You learned a lot in this part of the course! Next up, you'll move on to another key concept: LINQ.

Part 3: LINQ

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In Part 3 of this course, you'll learn about the concept of LINQ and why it so powerful. Let's get started!

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In this episode, you'll find an overview of query syntax and method sytax, plus a comparison of the two of them.

Query Syntax 10:13
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Let's dive deeper into query syntax: this episode gives you more information on query syntax and how to use it.

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Challenge time! In this challenge, your mission is to write a LINQ query using query syntax.

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Let's move on to method syntax: this episode shows you how to write LINQ queries using method syntax.

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One more challenge for the course! In this challenge, you'll rewrite your query syntax to use method syntax.

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This episode lets you know about LINQ's execution model and how it affects your queries.

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This video covers all the topics that weren't covered in the this three part course.

Conclusion 2:14
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Congrats on finishing the C# Collections, Lambdas, and LINQ course! Here we'll review what you learned and give you tips on where to go next.

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