Testing in Flutter

Sep 19 2023 · Dart 2.19.3, Flutter 3.7.6, Android Studio 2021.3.1, Visual Studio Code 1.7.4

Part 1: Introduction to Testing

01. Learn Testing and its Importance

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Transcript: 01. Learn Testing and its Importance

You guys have seen this screen multiple times in your app development journey. The famous App Forced Close screen. This is because of some code that needs to be fixed or that you have missed handling some exceptions, causing the app to force close. Altogether, this bad user experience will push users to delete the application. So how can we Prevent it?

The answer is simple, by fixing the bug. Well it’s not that simple.

Every developer’s dream is to build apps that are high quality, performance and bug-free. So, how can we achieve this dream? To fix bugs, we must first find them, so we can remove them. This is when testing comes into play. The more you test your code, the more bugs you can find and make the app bug free.

Adding more features to the app also adds unnecessary bugs. The app needs to be tested from time to time as we do not want the application to crash in production.

There are two ways you can test your apps.

Manual Test: With manual tests we test the apps manually. Where the tester from a QA team runs the application and checks for bugs. Later, reports these bugs to developers so they can be fixed. And then we have

Automated Test: An automated test is where you write the test code, and it identifies any issues and defects with the project code so they can be fixed before the software product is delivered.