Mobius Tutorial for Android: Getting Started

Learn about Mobius, a functional reactive framework for managing state evolution and side effects and see how to connect it to your Android UIs. By Massimo Carli.

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Mobius and Android

Mobius is much more than what you’ve learned in this tutorial. As one last point, it’s interesting to look at how Mobius is connected to Android and Jetpack Compose. Open MainActivity.kt, and look at the following code:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

  lateinit var gameCardController: CardGameMobiusController // 1

  private var gameModel = mutableStateOf(CardGameModel())

  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    // Switch to AppTheme for displaying the activity
    gameCardController.connect(::connectViews) // 2
    setContent {
      MainScreen(gameModel.value, eventConsumer)

  override fun onDestroy() {
    gameCardController.disconnect() // 5

  override fun onResume() {
    gameCardController.start() // 5

  override fun onPause() {
    gameCardController.stop() // 5

  override fun onBackPressed() {
    eventConsumer.accept(BackPressed) // 6

  lateinit var eventConsumer: Consumer<CardGameEvent>

  private fun connectViews(
    eventConsumer: Consumer<CardGameEvent>
  ): Connection<CardGameModel> { // 2
    this.eventConsumer = eventConsumer
    return object : Connection<CardGameModel> {
      override fun accept(model: CardGameModel) {
        logic(eventConsumer, model) // 3

      override fun dispose() {

  var logic: (Consumer<CardGameEvent>, CardGameModel) -> Unit = 
    { _, cardModel ->
      gameModel.value = cardModel // 4

Here, you:

  1. Declare a CardGameMobiusController, which is a typealias of MobiusLoop.Controller<CardGameModel, CardGameEvent>. This is basically the Mobius loop that handles all the concepts you learned in the introduction. This is the one responsible for handling events and triggering effects.
  2. In the onCreate, you connect the loop to the connectViews function, which returns an implementation of Connection<CardGameModel>. This is basically a callback for the lifecycle of the Mobius loop.
  3. Every time an event is sent, the accept function is invoked. This is where the magic happens, calling the logic function.
  4. The logic function updates the model used by Jetpack Compose.
  5. Note how the lifecycles of the Activity and the Mobius loop are connected.
  6. The Consumer<CardGameEvent> is the object you use to send events. How the back navigation event is handled is a good example of its usage.

You can spend some time seeing how all the dots are connected.

Where to Go From Here?

Congratulations! You learned how Mobius works by implementing a simple game. Use the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of the tutorial to access the final version of the code.

As mentioned, Mobius is much more than this. Besides the official documentation, a possible next step is the chapter about Mobius in Functional Programming in Kotlin by Tutorials.

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